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Containerships Inland Fuel Surcharge for 2017


Zero-reference of the Inland Fuel Surcharge (IFS) for 2017 has been set on Gasoil (diesel) price level 1,17 €/litre. This is average Gasoil –price in European countries in recent three months. You can follow Gasoil –price development in EU Commission Web page:


The IFS doesn’t apply to haulage done in Russia.


The IFS is based on the kilometre distance between the loading and discharging places and the port of loading and port of discharge.


IFS adjustments will be calculated on monthly basis. The IFS is calculated and communicated every month on Containerships webpage based on the Gasoil price fluctuation during the previous month.


In January 2017 no IFS applied. In February 2017 IFS will be applied if Gasoil (diesel) price is €1,21/litre or above (see below table). Same logic will apply for following months in 2017.


The IFS is calculated as follows:

[(one-way km loading place to Port of Loading) + (one-way km from Port of Discharge to unloading place)] X surcharge per km valid at time of shipment]


The IFS scale for 2017 is as follows:




Would you have any question regarding this surcharge, please do not hesitate to contact your local Containerships office.